Bonni Sue Hickson has lived with MS for 46 years and is currently the manager of the MS center in Loyalton, CA. She helped organize the Wheelchair Tennis Foundation in Truckee, CA, along with the organization and tournaments in Reno Nevada. She’s also a Registered Nurse that has given so much of herself to so many people. She currently has a future vision for Rplefct (“a ripple effect"), a 1,000 acre retreat center for the physically disabled, their families, and community. "We will be exploring consciousness studies, medicine, science, transpersonal psychology and the perennial philosophy of the ages,” she said.
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I guess fighting through MS and overcoming its crippling effects, pain, and occasional depression to rise to a Vice President level at American Airlines qualifies in some people's minds.
Stephen Ray
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Fred Kauffman, M.D.
I now understand that multiple sclerosis has provided me with an opportunity to take a different path in my life, but one with no less meaning and fulfillment than that of an emergency physician.
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