Hilton Fabian was diagnosed in January of 2000 with MS and by the advice of his doctor took the “wait and see what happens” approach. That same year, he was terminated from his employer after six years of exemplary work just two weeks after notifying them of his diagnosis. Due to lack of balance, coordination and drop foot he fell in 2003 breaking the first of twelve bones. That same year Hilton started Copaxone, which all but stopped the MS progression, but the damage was already done.
Over time his symptoms worsened ultimately putting him in a wheelchair, after breaking his twelfth bone. Hilton had several more falls and a stroke all the while raising his two sons as a single father and giving them everything he could possibly give them.
Although life seemed to be throwing Hilton curve balls at every turn, he stood firm refusing to let it beat him. He accepted the fact he had MS and did what needed to be done to become healthier, both physically and mentally. However, Hilton took it a step further by becoming involved with one of the Houston/Bay Area MS Networks as an ambassador of sorts. He researches various websites for upcoming events and then email blasts the updates regularly to his list of 350+ people. In doing this, Hilton has single-handedly managed to help spread the word and awareness about MS and has helped so many people in the process. He is the one people can count on to ask the doctors questions at these events when no one else will (including the doctors themselves), or to lighten the mood in the room if things are getting a little too quiet or serious. He has often times spent countless hours on the phone talking with people on his list to lend an ear for encouragement and support.
In 2012 he began taking Ampyra which had dramatic results for Hilton and before long he was out of the chair and walking! This was not only encouraging for Hilton but also to the many people he associates with.
However, another curve ball was thrown in January 2013, while at a dinner event Hilton fell and broke his hip, his thirteenth bone, which required surgery and a 3 week hospital stay. Yet once again, he’s not letting it get the best of him. He is home, following the doctor’s advice but busy with his event updates. It’s business as usual.
Hilton has the most magnetic personality I have ever come across and you just can’t help but smile when you are around him. I truly feel he is a hero, because of what he has personally overcome in his life and for not being afraid to share his story with others so we all know we aren’t in this fight alone.
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